The Council of the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA) hereby announces the appointment of Dr Charley Lewis as the Acting Chairperson, effective from 16 July 2022 to 03 April 2023, or until a Chairperson is appointed in terms of section 5(1B) of the ICASA Act, 2000 (Act No. 13 of 2000).
The appointment of Councillor Lewis comes as ICASA bids farewell to its outgoing Chairperson, Dr Keabetswe Modimoeng, whose last day in office is today.
The appointment of the Acting Chairperson is informed by the provisions of section 5(2) of the ICASA Act which provides that “in the absence of the Chairperson, the remaining Councillors must, from their number, elect an acting Chairperson, who, while he or she acts, may perform all the functions of the Chairperson”.
Dr Lewis has extensive experience across the field of ICT sector policy and regulation, ranging from telecommunications to broadcasting. His knowledge and expertise cover a wide array of key areas including universal access and service, consumer protection, statistics collation and analysis, spectrum management, and the 4th industrial revolution.
The Authority looks forward to working with Dr Lewis in his role as the Acting Chairperson.
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