The College is home to the School of Science (with four departments), the School of Engineering (with three departments) and the School of Computing (with two departments). Qualifications ranging from the level of higher certificates to doctoral degrees are offered through an open distance e-learning model. We offer a combination of career-oriented courses (usually associated with universities of technology, whose programmes prepare students for the world of work), as well as generally formative academic programmes (typically linked to a traditional university). Our rich tapestry of study disciplines includes science, engineering and technology.
The School of Engineering offers a range of diplomas, advanced diplomas and Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Honours) degrees as well as Master of Engineering (MEng) degrees in the fields of chemical, civil, electrical, industrial, mechanical and mining engineering. These sought-after programmes and qualifications are fully accredited by the Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA). In its endeavour to produce work-ready graduates, the School of Engineering partners with appropriate and willing experiential learning providers. As part of the curriculum of the diplomas in engineering, students are required to complete a year of work integrated learning under supervision of recognised mentors. Organisations also enjoy substantial benefits by partnering with the relevant departments in the School of Engineering and by hosting students.
The School of Science falls under the auspices of the College of Science, Engineering and Technology, which is located in Florida, Gauteng. The Departments of Chemistry, Physics, Mathematical Sciences and Statistics offer learning opportunities for the Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree and Bachelor of Science Honours (BSc Hons) with majors in chemistry, physics, mathematics, applied mathematics, astronomy and statistics. The Higher Certificate in Physical Sciences and the Higher Certificate in Mathematics and Statistics provide an alternative pathway to higher level studies, particularly in Bachelor qualifications. Unisa is one of few universities in South Africa to offer astronomy as a field of study at postgraduate level.
The School of Computing offers various programmes ranging from undergraduate to doctoral level. In addition, the School offers a number of specialised short learning programmes. Whatever your stage of education, this School has the expertise to take you to the top. The School of Computing has established itself and has gained reputation as a leader in computing. Some of the specific qualifications offered by the School of Computing include Bachelor of Science degrees and Bachelor of Science Honours degrees in Computing and in Informatics. The School also offers a Diploma in Information Technology, an Advanced Diploma and a Postgraduate Diploma in Information Resource Management.
Unisa’s open distance e-learning (ODeL)model makes it possible for students to enrol for science-related qualifications wherever they are. In the natural sciences, theory and practice go hand-in-hand, and students are therefore required to complete scheduled practical sessions as part of their studies. Fortunately, Unisa students are able to do this in the stimulating environment of the Science Campus in Johannesburg, Gauteng. Working in tandem, the ODeL model and Unisa’s modern Science Campus are opening doors for thousands of students who might not otherwise have had the opportunity to follow their dream of studying the sciences.
Article written by: Thembeka Ntuli Mpapama