Throughout the years of having Bluetooth on cellular devices, no one really considered that it would soon help solar panels.
Using Bluetooth technology in solar panels is a groundbreaking achievement in the renewable energy industry. Solar panels with Bluetooth capability provide an increase in efficiency and control by enabling better monitoring and enhanced energy management.
A Swedish company called Exeger has invented and manufactured solar cells that drive new possibilities for light-powered products. They created the first solar panel with Bluetooth functionality, called the Powerfoyle.
The Powerfoyle voltaic cells with advanced materials provide high efficiency in converting household light into usable energy for smart devices. Powerfoyle has an original design that is adaptable and can be customized to blend with eco-friendly and attractive products.
These cells work in improving the environment by transforming both indoor and outdoor light into clean, infinite energy, thus resulting in a healthier, greener, safer, less polluted, and better overall environment.
Reducing the demand for electricity grids could largely solve the issue of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This is the reason why numerous experts and companies globally are focusing on technologies like solar panels designed for Bluetooth devices or refrigerators that operate without electricity.
Main Image: RIBA Journal