Aerobotics is a subscription-based AI company that provides intelligent tools for the agricultural industry to manage its crops
Browsing: Artificial Intelligence
London-based software developer offers WinAutomation, a low-code platform that enables solution providers to deploy AI to automate Windows desktop processes
Latest offering is compatible with any telehealth platform and is in response to COVID-19
The first signatories of the charter are Orange, Camfil, Danone, EDF, L’Oréal, Metro and Sodexo
Initiative aims to train one million developers
AgroScout, a subsidiary of the Trendlines Group Ltd, has announced that it has completed an investment round of $3m for its AI-based solution for sustainable crop protection. According the company,…
AVEVA Unified Learning Now Includes Microlearning rom Axonify
Voysis has offered technology for improved natural language understanding
Artificial intelligence needs to be transparent, inclusive, socially beneficial and accountable
The rise of artificial intelligence is revolutionising the way people interact with technology