If a parachute drifted behind the lines of your business today with a customer service consultant attached, what would they uncover about your customer service’s current state?
Unfortunately, what they’d likely discover—particularly after a period of rapid company growth—is slippage in potentially company-killing areas of customer service, lapses that you need to get fixed fast, before your customers go into open rebellion.
The focus and attentiveness common when a business has only a few customers tend to slide when the customer roster begins to balloon. Employees stop signing their thank-you notes by hand. Managers busy themselves with paperwork in their office hideaways rather than coming out into the open to greet even longtime or VIP customers—and they’re certainly nowhere to be found if a customer conflict ever erupts and needs smoothing over.
Is such lowering of standards irreversible, the inevitable status quo as a company continues to scale?
Decidedly not—if you relentlessly resharpen your focus and tenaciously stick to your guns once again in only providing exceptional customer service. The mantra that’s needed is this: If you would’ve done something for your first customer, you’ll find a way to keep doing it for your ten thousandth, without rushing, without cutting corners, and without doing anything that would make a customer feel less than fully valued by your business.
Don’t fall into the trap of thinking there’s an infinite supply of new customers out there for the taking if only your marketing and sales departments would do their jobs, seeking out and converting more leads.
That’s a dangerous assumption to make.
A growing business is generally closer to being considered a commodity provider than it realizes. And if you want to keep your company away from that commodity dustbin, where you’ll be considered 100% replaceable, 100% interchangeable with other providers, shift your focus to providing exceptional customer service in every single customer encounter.
Here are seven essential steps to take to get you on the right track.
1. Check for lapsed customer service standards: How quickly are your phones answered? Three rings should be your standard. (Why? Studies done by the Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company have determined that by that fourth ring customers will have grown worried that you’ll never answer, or won’t really be on the ball if you do.) How quickly do you answer emails? (a standard of “within 24 hours” is unacceptable in today’s world; these days, that’s like 36 years in internet time. Commit instead to answering all inquiries the same morning or the same afternoon.) Webform queries that come in on your site? (You may be unpleasantly surprised if you test this one yourself; often “never” is the depressing answer to when these are ultimately replied to.)
2. Implement a new set of customer service standards that are essential now that you’ve grown, that when you were smaller, you perhaps could count on taking care of themselves: For a start, adopt the 10-5-3 acknowledgment and interaction system for interacting with customers in person (covered here), or even the BUBL method (covered here) if you want to be known the ultimate in on-premises customer service.
3. Build a company lexicon of preferred customer service language brimming with phrases that tend to put customers off their feed (“no problem”; “I beg to differ”; “I’m not going to argue with you”; “Did you plug it in?”; “Calm down”) paired with more effective and polite phrases (“you’re welcome;” “my pleasure”) that are effective at setting customers at their ease.
4. Train for situational empathy. Training in situational empathy (a.k.a. “customer service-specific empathy”), the type of empathy that allows an employee to connect with customers phone call after phone call and email after email, is an essential element in improving and maintaining a high level of customer service.
5. Look into specialized customer service training for the particular niche your company serves. For example, if your clients are high net worth individuals (HNWI’s), there are HNWI-specific principles and approaches that can be transformative. Likewise, in healthcare, patient experience training can be a lifeline.
6. Meet them where they are. With a rapidly growing customer base, you want to do everything to provide convenient communication, to let the customer choose the channel and change that channel at will. They should be able to text you in the morning, tweet at you at night, and get on the phone whenever that’s called for, seamlessly and conveniently. (The concept of omnichannel, as personified by the fictional icon Meghan Millennial, is what you should be striving for here.)
Be aware that if you are going to interact with customers via multiple channels, the onus is on you to be organized about it. Customers shouldn’t have to (and hate having to) repeat themselves with information that they’ve already provided on another channel. Picking the right CRM (customer relationship management system) here can be helpful; some CRM solutions are designed to be “conversational,” to keep a conversation going as your customer moves from X to Y, so you never have to engage in the dreaded “Could you repeat your credit card number for me?” charade.
7. Empower your employees to never lose a customer. Employees can only pull off extraordinary acts on behalf of a customer if they have a meaningful level of on-the-job empowerment: the power to make decisions in favor of a customer. Most of this manifests itself in non-financial ways, as in choices employees make for how to invest their time on the job. However, an element of fiscal autonomy is important as well if employees are going to be able to deliver moments of wow customer service on the spot, without hesitation and without having to ask for the approval of a manager.
The most legendary example of this is the policy for employees at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, which both allows and even encourages its employees, once they’re fully trained, to use up to a theoretical $2,000 per guest to solve a problem or to improve a guest’s stay. Whether or not you go to such a length in empowering employees, any leeway you are able to offer in what an employee can do on a customer’s behalf, without retaliation (or even raised eyebrows), is a massive boost to employee engagement and sparks creativity among employees in finding ways to stretch themselves on behalf of their customers.
Main Image; Worklogic